Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 3

I've cut the stock down so I can add the butt pad and the adjustable hardware. I am using brass wood nuts because that is what they had at Lowe's, and broke one trying to get it in. I decided to drill a thread diameter hole about a quarter inch deep and then screw it into the smaller hole. It worked that time.

Wood nut in the stock, with 1" hole that was bored into the stock by the previous owner, why...I can only guess.

Photobucket Photobucket

That hole makes things really tricky, and necessitated the purchase of JB Stick to fill it up when it comes time to give the stock an adjustable comb, which the preparations are pictured below. Yes, I have marked the stock up in attempts to get things right. Now I've got it masked off with painters tape which is easy to follow with the saw.


Right now the barrel on there is a 28" Mod barrel off of my '81 1100. That one is on bedside duty with a 21" Rem-Choke barrel with rifle sights, 8+1 capacity, 6 round side saddle, and a TLR-1.

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