Friday, October 17, 2008

First folder attempt, a 3in "Old Timer"

440C purchased from premium knife supply, like the other knives I've made in the past. Scales made from 1/8" thick Cocobolo cut on my scroll saw, then dremeled, filed, and sanded to 1500 and then buffed with the dremel. Natural Cocobolo finish (oily wood and all, we'll see how this one does).

Partly completed:

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 8

Well, I finished it off, it is painted and ready to go back to the field tomorrow. I need to get a case for it, as the 46" cases I have do not fit the gun. Here are pictures.

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1100 Trap Gun pt. 7

Well, I took it to the trap field today at Durham County Wildlife Club, and had a good time with it. I added a Birchwood Casey shell catcher, which took a little bending to get to work right, as it was keeping the hulls in the action, which is very hard to clear, especially with only 3 people on the line. It works now though. I shot two rounds, the first one a 22 or 23, the second a 13...that one I do not know what was going on, but I will probably go back tomorrow and see how I do. That forend feels pretty good, so it just got primed and it will be finished in the next hour.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 6

Well, I decided to add the logo I was thinking about: Metallica's Scary Guy.

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1100 Trap Gun pt. 5

Today my parts from Midway came in thanks to 2 day air from UPS and quick shipping as always from Midway. I have the new forend mounted, a Choate, and I installed a Kick-EEZ recoil pad. I then painted the stock, although I'm still thinking about putting a logo on the stock. For those of you that know what logo I'm thinking about putting on there, do not say what it is. I have not painted the forend yet as I do not know if I'm going to keep it at this point. It fit a little strange due to this being a pre-86 barrel, and thus has a thicker contour than today's 1100 barrels. Still goes on there thanks to being polymer, and looks to fit right.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 4

I cut the cheek piece out so I could add adjustable hardware (height only). Well...apparently right now I suck with a scroll saw, so it did not come out looking good. At least I did not ruin a good looking stock doing this. Then, trying to put wood nuts in the comb and then drilling them out did not work at all, I broke two of them and then they would come out when I tried to drill them. So I drilled it out for washers, but that looked and felt terrible, so I scrapped that idea and filled it in with JB Stick and formed it for the screw. I figure I do not need a washer on that. It is now functional, but looks like trash. Hopefully it will look a little better once I paint the thing up.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 3

I've cut the stock down so I can add the butt pad and the adjustable hardware. I am using brass wood nuts because that is what they had at Lowe's, and broke one trying to get it in. I decided to drill a thread diameter hole about a quarter inch deep and then screw it into the smaller hole. It worked that time.

Wood nut in the stock, with 1" hole that was bored into the stock by the previous owner, why...I can only guess.

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That hole makes things really tricky, and necessitated the purchase of JB Stick to fill it up when it comes time to give the stock an adjustable comb, which the preparations are pictured below. Yes, I have marked the stock up in attempts to get things right. Now I've got it masked off with painters tape which is easy to follow with the saw.


Right now the barrel on there is a 28" Mod barrel off of my '81 1100. That one is on bedside duty with a 21" Rem-Choke barrel with rifle sights, 8+1 capacity, 6 round side saddle, and a TLR-1.

1100 Trap Gun pt. 2

Well, I got some photos of the gun as well as the age of it. It was made in 1971, making it quite a bit older than me. I also got a scroll saw to cut the stock for the adjustable butt plate and cheek piece. I'll be trying that out tonight. Here are the pictures of it. Click on image for larger image.

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Scroll Saw...


Adjustable hardware from Lowes:

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Monday, September 29, 2008

1100 Trap Gun pt. 1

One of the last things I had posted about on THR was about a potential project idea I had. That project idea is taking an old, beat up, and otherwise neglected Remington 1100 and turning it into a trap gun. I have started that project and have picked up the shotgun from my FFL after buying it off of Gunbroker. It is not pretty right now, and has a loss of bluing, some minor pitting and rust, and practically no finish left on the stock. Whoever owned this had cut down an integral full choke barrel and cut it to 21 inches...that made me want to cry when I saw that. Pictures will be up tomorrow, as will a definite year of manufacture.

The Beginning...

I have not blogged before, but after the recent problems at The High Road between Derek and Oleg, I have decided to forgo posting there until everything is resolved. I will always be loyal to Oleg, as he has done so much for RKBA.